Big changes are looming in the fishing conditions across middle and East Tennessee. However, some others are going to continue about the same. In the short term, cooler weather will make fishing pleasant over the next few days compared to…
Excellent Summer Fishing Continues: Report for July 19, 2021
We have been fishing all across middle and East Tennessee lately. The lowland rivers from the Caney Fork to the Clinch to smallmouth bass streams like the Pigeon have all been fishing well lately. Smaller water in the Smokies has…
Periodic Cicadas Are About Finished and Summer Fishing is Just Getting Started
This year’s emergence of brood x cicadas was everything you could imagine. Bass and carp were the main targets where I chose to fish, but there were places to target trout as well if you were willing to travel a…
Fishing Report for April 26, 2021
Fishing continues to be good to excellent across middle and East Tennessee. We are right in the heart of the best spring fishing right now. Everything is fishing well from the Clinch and Caney Fork Rivers to the Great Smoky…
Fishing Report For April 5, 2021
Water levels continue to drop towards normal on the mountain trout streams. On the tailwaters, we are still looking at a few days of high water at minimum. With warming temperatures, the mountain trout streams will be fishing well along…
Too Much Water
The last handful of days have been rather trying if you are a fly angler in middle or East Tennessee. Right now, we are experiencing yet another rain event that will keep the Smokies unfishable for a few more days.…
Fishing Report for March 14, 2021
Fishing is really picking up around the area. Tailwaters are starting to drop to something more reasonable, and also the mountains are getting into spring fishing time. Hatches have started with happy fish. Read on to find out the details.…
Fishing Report for February 24, 2021
Fishing has started to pick up across middle and East Tennessee, especially in the Great Smoky Mountains. Tailwater fishing remains spotty but should also be picking up soon unless we get too much rain and an extended bout of high…
Fishing Report for February 12, 2021
Let’s get straight to the point. We haven’t been on the water a ton lately. The weather has been a real rollercoaster with high water or cold snow and ice more often than not. I’ve been cranking out flies at…

Fishing Report for January 26, 2021
Fishing is decent to good across a large portion of Tennessee’s trout waters. We have recently been on the Caney Fork, Clinch River, and Hiwassee River. Of those three, the Hiwassee is putting out the best numbers while the Clinch…